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The Hartford Community Coalition (HCC) began in 2013 from a deep caring for, and commitment to all members of our community. Each program, volunteer, and employee reflects the integrity of our organization by uplifting and supporting our community members to maximize the well-being of our neighbors. 


HCC is a collaborative group of community members designed to support and promote the wellness of individuals and families. Our vision is for Hartford to be a supportive community where people embrace and achieve their personal, professional, emotional, and physical well-being. Our coalition acts to reduce the stigma and impact of alcohol and drug use, food insecurity and mental health in support of the development of a healthy, safe, and resilient Hartford.  


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Emily Zanleoni


NCC Executive Director, HCCDFC Program Director

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Kelly Clements

MPH Program Coordinator, HCCDFC Program Coordinator


Board Chair
Barbara Farnsworth
Dartmouth Health

Board Vice Chair
Sarah Mekos
Counseling Associates

Sherry Dube
Dartmouth College

Gayle Ottman
White River Rotary Club

Nancy Russell
Hartford School Board

Board Clerk
Ella Harper-Schiehl
VT Department of Health

Board Treasurer
Russ North
Wilder Business Service

Kelly French
The Family Place

Chris Rowell
Mascoma Bank

Nikita Wilson
Novo Nordisk

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