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Getting to ‘Y’ is an evidence-based practice through which middle and high school aged youth bring meaning to their Youth Risk Behavior Survey data (YRBS), address youth health and well-being issues, and connect with their peers, school, and community. Students receive funding to implement their improvement projects.

Congratulations to HMMS 8th grader Zayla Bakatis for being awarded one of two Prevention Works! 2024 youth prevention champions. Zayla is an involved member of both our Getting to Y and OVX/VKAT groups. She was one of four HMMS students to travel to Washington, DC to present to a national audience at the 2024 CADCA conference about the importance of including youth in prevention efforts that affect them. Well done, Zayla!

HHS students at their 2023 YRBS Data Analysis Retreat.

HMMS students used funding during the 2021-22 school year to address mental health concerns at their school by making the bathrooms a more positive and safe space. The group continues to maintain these spaces.

In February 2023, Hartford middle school students held a Community Dialogue night with parents, community members, and school staff to discuss their findings and other areas of future improvement.
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